AmaCares is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to ending child sexual abuse. We believe that every child has the right to live a life free from the fear of sexual abuse and its devastating after-effects.
We believe that the only person responsible for committing sexual abuse is the perpetrator. However members of our communities has the opportunity to look out for each other and raise the profile of child sexual abuse by supporting and educating victims to reduce and stop this crime.
By consistently highlighting the problem of child sexual abuse in our communities and providing victims and potential victims with the knowledge and tools to deal with this challenge, we will be able to instil the required confidence in affected children to seek help from the appropriate agencies.
Our ultimate aim alongside supporting and empowering children is also to change community perceptions of rape and child sexual abuse. We work with a wide of professionals including medical doctors, police officers, counsellor and community health and self defence experts to bring together a comprehensive package to support and empower victims and those at risk to child sexual abuse.